
cmus is a terminal based music player. It's lightweight and fast; what more could you ask for? My only complaint is that if you close the window, the music stops playing. One solution is to put it in a tmux server (this has the added benefit of being able to open multiple cmus windows at the same time, because each is a view into the same running process). These days I'm too lazy to start tmux, so I just put a cmus window in a high-number workspace and switch to that workspace on demand.

My friend swears by mpd because of its client-server architecture: that gives the ability to use any client, from curses-based terminal interfaces to integration in emacs. It also makes it easy to do cool things like fancy frequency visualizations and sharing what music you're listening to on a webserver. I don't have these use cases, so I stick to cmus. And when I tried to setup mpd a long time ago, I found it hard to do and never got it working.

The highest praise I can give is that I have not touched the configuration at all, but I use cmus daily.


Make sure the pulseaudio backend is used with :set output_plugin=pulse.


The default build supports many different audio formats (cmus --plugins).

Input Plugins: /nix/store/ndlabjql98bw7yzrdm8cg0yncp0qfg12-cmus-2.10.0/lib/cmus/ip
    Priority: 55
    File Types: mp3 mp2
    MIME Types: audio/mpeg audio/x-mp3 audio/x-mpeg
    Priority: 50
    File Types:
    MIME Types: application/x-cue
    Priority: 50
    File Types:
    MIME Types: x-content/audio-cdda
    Priority: 50
    File Types: wav
    MIME Types:
    Priority: 50
    File Types: opus
    MIME Types:
    Priority: 50
    File Types: flac fla
    MIME Types:
    Priority: 50
    File Types: ogg oga ogx
    MIME Types: application/ogg audio/x-ogg
    Priority: 50
    File Types: mpc mpp mp+
    MIME Types: audio/x-musepack
    Priority: 50
    File Types: wv
    MIME Types: audio/x-wavpack
    Priority: 50
    File Types: mod s3m xm it 669 amf ams dbm dmf dsm far mdl med mtm okt ptm stm ult umx mt2 psm
    MIME Types:
    Priority: 40
    File Types: mod s3m xm it 669 amf dsm far med mtm stm ult
    MIME Types:
    Priority: 30
    File Types: aa aac ac3 aif aifc aiff ape au fla flac m4a m4b mka mkv mp+ mp2 mp3 mp4 mpc mpp ogg opus shn tak tta wav webm wma wv
    MIME Types:

Output Plugins: /nix/store/ndlabjql98bw7yzrdm8cg0yncp0qfg12-cmus-2.10.0/lib/cmus/op

hangs after close

If playing music is paused and then cmus is closed, cmus will hang. Quickly attempting to open another cmus window results in the error message

cmus: Error: an error occured while initializing MPRIS: File exists. MPRIS will be disabled.
cmus: Press <enter> to continue.

MPRIS is the freedesktop specification for music player control, see MPRIS. It's probably a pipewire issue, see Delayed exit from paused music in cmus as well as Quitting while playback is paused takes several seconds which has made a recent recurrence (Cmus hangs when paused for a long time).

usage notes


The man pages cmus and cmus-tutorial are pretty good, the only complaint I have is the playlist creation is not well-explained. Press 3 to go to playlist view, by default this will have only a single playlist called "default". Create a new playlist with :pl-create playlist-name (by default this is not bound to any key so you have to use the command) and delete a playlist with D. Playlists are sorted alphabetically but this can probably be configured somewhere. The asterisk "*" indicates which playlist new songs will be added to. To change what the active playlist is, press <space> (this was the confusing part which I could not find documentation on). Finally, to add songs press y on a song (you can also press y on albums and artists, which is very useful). To remove the song from the playlist, go to the playlist view and press D on the song. To change the order, press p to move a song down and P to move a song up. Finally, to play the playlist press <enter> and the same controls as usual can be used (x to play, v to stop, c for play/pause toggle, z previous song and b next song).

Note that playing from a playlist switches the mode to "playlist mode" (this means that there can be two highlights at the same time, one in playlist view and the other in library view). One can press shift-M to switch between modes without interrupting the current song.


The queue is well-explained, I just never knew what it was for. My use case for the queue is if I'm listening to something but I want to hear a particular song, so I can tell cmus to play that song without interrupting the flow of my current listening session. The best way to think of the queue is terms of two concepts: playlists and the implicit queue inherent to cmus.

The "implicit queue" is how I like to think of the "all from library", "artist from library", and "album from library" modes (toggleable with m). If you select "artist from library" and you play an artist, cmus essentially adds all of that artist's songs to the queue (the "real" queue which is accessible through pressing 4 is empty, hence the name implicit queue). Thus, the modes control which song play next, which is what the queue does. The toggles C, r, and s also control the implicit queue --- C toggles "continue", which determines whether the next song is automatically played or not (if not, then you will have to start the next song manually). r toggles "repeat", which determines whether the queue infinitely cycles, and s toggles "shuffle", which determines whether the queue is permuted. Thus, it is helpful to think of the modes and toggles and manipulating an implicit queue (the modes determine which songs go into the queue and the toggles determine how that queue behaves).

To go back to the "real" queue, it behaves similarity to a playlist. One adds songs with e instead of y, and the same playlist manipulation can be done (D to remove, p/P to move around). When cmus determines which song to play after the current song finishes, it first tries to dequeue a song from the "real" queue. If the real queue is empty, it dequeues a song from the implicit queue described above. Thus, if you're listening to an artist but want to play another song one-off, then you can add that song to the queue with e. When the song ends, you'll be back to listening to that artist in the same position in the implicit queue you were in.


cmus-remote can be used to control cmus from the command-line, e.g. to generate a status text based on the current song (which I do for i3status) or to integrate into ranger, e.g. when selecting an audio file, add the file to the queue and play it. See the man page cmus-remote for more details.