

  • arch wiki - xmodmap
  • outdated, use xkb instead
  • still useful for viewing what modifiers are set to, run with xmodmap
pacman -S xorg-xmodmap
  • xev, keyboard event viewer, also useful tool, run with xev
pacman -S xorg-xev
pacman -S xorg-xkbcomp
  • complicated as hell, can't say too much about this
  • if you screw up, can make keyboard unusable, first store default config
xkbcomp $DISPLAY output.xkb
  • can reset with
setxkbmap -layout us
  • once you make custom keymap at ~/.Xkeymap, put in ~/.xprofile at startup:
test -f ~/.Xkeymap && xkbcomp ~/.Xkeymap $DISPLAY

Super_R as mod3

  • use case: qmk "hyper" (not in the linux modifier sense) is ctrl_L + shift_L + alt_L + super_L
  • use this as i3 mod, need secondary modifier that can't be ctrl/shift/alt/super
  • use super_R as unused mod3 to distinguish
  • comment out (not necessary, no clue what this does)
    interpret Super_R+AnyOf(all) {
        virtualModifier= Super;
        action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks);
  • change Super to Mod3 here
    interpret Super_R+AnyOfOrNone(all) {
        action= SetMods(modifiers=Super,clearLocks);
  • change Mod4 to Mod3 here
    modifier_map Mod4 { <RWIN> };
  • n.b.: I no longer use this, it's simpler to make hyper shift_L + alt_L + super_L (still unlikely to conflict with other keybindings) and use ctrl as a secondary modifier