
I used to use kitty and there really wasn't anything wrong with it. The reason I switched was mainly philosophical, kitty just did too much like the whole integrated tab / window splitting and so on. Terminal emulators should be relatively simple and leave the complexity to other programs (your window manager, tmux, etc.). Alacritty doesn't too much, but has all the features I've come to expect from a terminal emulator. Also, the vim mode is sometimes useful if you really don't want to use the mouse.

See for an overview of supported features.


Keybindings Like "$" in Vim Mode Don't Work

The default keybindings that involve shift and non-letter keys don't work. This is an X-specific issue caused by a bug in the upstream library winit's handling of virtual keycodes. See

To fix, use the scancodes instead of the key names. Edit ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml:

  # specify scancode to get around invalid virtual keycode provided by winit
  - { key: 5, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Last }
  - { key: 7, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: FirstOccupied }
  - { key: 6, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: Bracket }
  - { key: 53, mods: Shift, mode: Vi|~Search, action: SearchBackward }

The scancodes can be found with

sudo showkey --keycodes

There is theoretically a difference between interpreted keycodes and raw scancodes. See arch wiki - keyboard input for the details. However, the keycodes shown by showkey --keycodes seem to be the same as the ones shown by showkey --scancodes, both of which are different than the keycodes or keysyms shown by xev. For example, if I press the letter "a" on my keyboard:

  • showkey --scancodes: 0x1e (30)
  • showkey --scancodes: 0x9e (158) is also shown
  • showkey --keycodes: 30
  • xev keycode field: 38
  • xev keysym field: 0x61 (97), ASCII value for "a"

For Alacritty, you should be using the (decimal) keycode in common between showkey --scancodes and showkey --keycodes. It's possible to get these from showkey --scancodes but you have to convert the hex to decimal, and when I press a key it seems to alternate between two different values. showkey --keycodes is easier to use and works.

Cursor Spins on Empty Background

This is especially applicable to i3wm users. The problem is that if the mouse cursor is on the desktop background (not hovering over an active window), then it's stuck in the "spinning" or "waiting" state. For why this happens, see:

The summary is that the freedesktop startup-notification-spec provides a mechanism by which applications upon launching can signal through X that they have began started up, and finished starting up. This allows your cursor to appear "busy" when the application is starting up, and turn back to normal once the application opens. This also allows i3 to guarantee that the application's window is put where it was originally launched from. However, if i3 launches an application with exec and expects startup notifications when the application does not send them, then i3 assumes the application is taking a long time to startup, timing out after 60 seconds, causing the cursor to appear busy for 60 seconds. This can be fixed by starting the offending application with exec --no-startup-id.

Alacritty does not support startup notification events, causing the busy cursor. The default i3 configuration launches a terminal with the following line:

bindsym Mod1+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal

i3-sensible-terminal, as the name implies, looks for a sensible terminal in the user's path and since the application is launched with exec and not exec --no-startup-id, the cursor will be busy for 60 seconds after launching an alacritty window. See:

The first issue is a nearly 5 year old issue, and the second issue was re-filed by me because new evidence came out that it was in fact Alacritty's noncompliance to startup-notification-spec that causes the issue. Alacritty maintainers refuse to fix this since the issue is (mostly) cosmetic.

Note that the cursor can be fixed immediately by restarting i3.

i3 restart

Improper Spacing on Certain Characters

The characters "★" (Unicode codepoint 0x2605) and "☆" (0x2606) are displayed improperly for "most" monospace fonts. This is because the Unicode specification considers them single-width characters but they but are rendered as double-width, causing them to clip into their neighbors. See the issue I filed, alacritty/alacritty/#6144. I've tested:

  • Noto Sans Mono (noto-fonts)
  • IPAGothic (otf-ipafont)
  • Source Code Pro (adobe-source-code-pro-fonts)

The fonts which I've found to work has been:

  • DejaVu Sans Mono (ttf-dejavu)

It's a bit misleading to call this a "bug" since it's pretty much impossible to determine the display width of Unicode characters (it's font specific). That being said, "GUI" programs like Firefox, Signal, and Emacs (but not gvim) seem to have figured it out, so there's no real reason a terminal emulator couldn't.